

Victory at the Employment Tribunal

Once you have won at the Employment Tribunal you can get compensation equivalent to the harm you suffered. Another thing which you can get is improvement of working conditions and getting your job back if you have been dismissed.

To award you a compensation the judge will take into account how long you have worked for the employer, how much you lost because of the employer's actions and circumstances of the case. If you have been unlawfully dismissed you can be awarded your wages for the time you have been unemployed.

However, if the respondent fails to pay you your compensation awarded by the tribunal you should contact them to find out why. It may be necessary to seek a court's help to fine them or to force them to pay. It can take a form of freezing order where assets or money on the respondent's account are frozen so that he cannot dispose of them.

Another option is to pay £66, which is refundable from the respondent, to file a Fast Track Enforcement Form to a High Court Enforcement Officer to demand payment from the respondent. He will act like a bailiff in such a case. Another option is to ask the local county court to send an enforcement officer to the respondent. It costs £44.  

However, the respondent may make an appeal against the tribunal's decision for which he has 42 days. If it is the reason why the employer has not paid you your compensation there is nothing that you can do to get your money.

It may be easier to win a case at the Tribunal but to force an employer to pay your compensation can turn out to be a challenge.

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