

Are You An Introvert or Extrovert

People have different personalities. Some people are happy when they are alone others prefer to find themselves in social situations. But, does it mean that the latter are extravert while the previous group is introvert?

katharine Myer-Briggs, a clinical psychologist (1962) helps to answer this question as he focuses on more specific parts of personality as he asks for preferences in life to conclude whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. So, if you prefer to work in a team rather than alone as social interactions give you energy and if you like to act rather than think you are certainly an extrovert. But, if social interactions drain you from energy and so you prefer to work by yourself, or with the closest friends; and if you think before you act then you are an introvert. 

Myer-Briggs also considers sources of people’s information to conclude what type of personality one has. So, those who use data available immediately by senses like seeing and hearing and those who use facts and specific answers are extraverts because they seek the answers in the outside world. However, those who use intuition as a source of knowledge and those who have great imagination are introverts because they look inside themselves to find the answers.

Another difference is that people with more extrovert personality use rational thinking and logic decisions while others listen to their personal feelings and have great empathy. According to this author people also differ in judging and perceiving. Some people, seems like most often extroverts, make plans and they judge their relationship to the external world while others are more flexible as they do not like plans as they prefer freedom. 

To conclude, it is useful to know whether you are an introvert or an extravert. It is because introverts are happier when they are alone so they do not feel worse than others. Similarly, extroverts have nothing to worry about if they do not have such strong empathy like introverts and think more logically.  


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